3 Oct 2011

Blarticle: The Best Type of Story

Sci-fi buffs of the world, speak out against prejudice!

Hands up if you like science fiction! Have you all got your hands up? Good, good. Otherwise, I’d have to come and find you in the dead of night and slowly pour my cold, soggy tea dregs onto your peacefully sleeping face. In any case, you’ve heard of Star Wars. The old one with the adventuring and the swashbuckling using laser swords and all that delightful nonsense. That’s science fiction, right?
Wrong. That’s a family classic with elements of spacey stuff. Science fiction is an in-depth exploration of a scientific or socio-economic concept with the use of storytelling and character building.

Blarticle: Baa Baa Multicultural Sheep…

Stop seeing things in black and white

I despise black comedies. No, I don’t mean dark humour – I quite like that. That bit in Pulp Fiction where John Travolta’s character accidently shot someone in the face had me in such hysterics that, had I not been alone, I might now have a reputation for being a bit of a psychopath. No, what I’m referring to is comedy films which work around the entire premise that their characters are black and black people are *gasp* not white people. Particularly irksome are the comparisons, where you’ve got a white guy and you’ve got a black guy and their differences are being ‘explored’ for the amusement of the viewer.

2 Oct 2011

Blarticle: Guilty Pleasures

Could this be the end of normal civilisation?

It’s the same wherever I go and with whomever I’m talking to. They ask what I like: I shrug. I ask what they like: they tell me. I suddenly remember what exactly I actually do like: I tell them. They look at me like I’m a grey-beard loon and shuffle discreetly backwards by several paces.

1 Oct 2011

Triview: Harry Potter

Don’t pretend you haven’t noticed its flaws…

Harry Potter is... No, you're right. I don't need to explain it. You'd have to have been living as a child slave in the basement of some corporate giant to not know about the global sensation of The Potter. So good, that saves me a job.